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Typically you can learn what Operating System you are using by:
On PC: Navigating to (My) Computer from the Start Menu. Next, Right-Click on My Computer, and select Properties.Viewing basic information about your computer will provide you with these details. If you have named your Computer to something else, following these steps while locating your computer name will return the same results.
On MAC: You can find your operating system version through the "About this Mac" menu item. Click on the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of your desktop, and then click "About This Mac" for more details.
Try this link as well: http://whatsmyos.com
Typically you can learn what browser version you are using by clicking on its Help menu item.From there you should see a link: About (Browser). Each browser provides this information a little differently.
Try this link as well: https://www.whatismybrowser.com/
In Chrome, you can also retrieve this information by clicking Tools > Help > About Google Chrome.