Each Referrer has three pieces of information
RefID: This is included in a specially formatted link used on pages sending you visitors. RefID’s are alphanumeric meaning that they can contain letters or numbers and must be unique.
Most store managers using alpha numeric id’s use internal standards and naming conventions. Using letters helps make the id’s easier to remember and program. For example, a Yahoo! bid on the term “Froot Loops” could have an id of “Y_fruit_loops”. The RefID for “frootloops” would be “Y_fruitloops”. You will want to create your own internal standard.
If you are using numeric id’s you can use the NextID tag to generate the next sequential RefID. This can save time when creating the ID’s and makes it easier for several people to manage your RefID programs. The NextID function only generates numeric ID’s.
Title: This is used for internal reports only and is never visible to the customer shopping your site. RefID’s are not affected by language or currency.
Category: RefID’s can be assigned to Categories that you create by selecting them from the drop down Category menu. Grouping into Categories helps you get a quick view of the performance of a given group of RefID’s. For example, you can create a Category for all your Yahoo! Search Marketing terms, andanother for your Google AdWords terms.
You can create a new Category when setting up a RefID by selecting “ – New Category – “ from the Category menu. This changes the form so that you can enter in a new Category.
A link below the form allows you to Add, Edit and Delete your Categories on another form.