If your CommerceCM Implementation uses multiple languages, variant images may assist with customizing aspects of your site for the multiple languages. A classic example is with Site Ads. Although Site Ads are implemented as images, they will almost always contain written text within the image that outlines what is being offered (e.g. “Free Shipping”). If the 2nd language being used is French, unless you create an image variant for this SiteAd, the French Language shopper will be presented with an English Language Site Ad.
To remedy this, click into Manage Variants for the SiteAd image and upload the variant (French Language) image for all applicable languages. In the figure below, we see a CommerceCM implementation with 6 languages in total (3 versions of French and 3 versions of English). In this case, the French Language image for “Free Shipping” or “Livraison Gratuite” should be uploaded for the FR-CA, FR-FR and FR-AU languages for all sizes (there is only one size) of the Site Ad image.