Data Feeds allow you to list your products on shopping portals like Yahoo! Shopping, Google Base, or and in certain affiliate programs. We will call each of these feed users a Publisher of your Data Feed.
Each Publisher requires a different data format. Some are quite simple and align nicely with your CommerceCM catalog while others provide the option to include extra data. The basic format includes your product name, a link to the product image, a link to the product, the description and pricing.
The Data Feed Generator provides a simple and flexible way to create data feeds for some of the common publishers. It is possible to fully automate the process but since the larger publishers include data fields that are not possible to extract from CommerceCM, many merchants have found it to be more effective to fine tune their data feeds and manually upload them.
An automated data feed is a good option if you have a large catalog and if you products all share the same additional Data Feed attributes so those fields can be populated automatically. Please discuss your needs with ideaLEVER and we would be happy to provide an estimate.
If the Data Feed Generator does not have your required format, please provide us with the details and we will try to get the format into a future build. In many cases, an existing format can be rearranged in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel to get the format you require.
Before you can use the data feeds you must register with the publisher and create your own user account. Registering and developing your strategy is beyond the scope of this document.
The Data Feed Generator can be accessed with the Marketing>Data Feed menu.
The form in the top left is used to create a new Data Feed. The table at the bottom lists existing Saved Queries. In this view here, there are no existing queries.
The listing above is for a Google Data Feed. The specification was created October 16, 2007, and the current file was generated at 5:10:45 PM in the Pacific Time zone. There is no Account ID because this is not an Affiliate Program data feed. You can also see the file name, the Item Count which tells you how many products are in your file, and a link to Regenerate the File, or Delete it.
To use the file, you will need to right mouse click the file name and select “save file as” to save the file to your computer.
Once it has been saved to your computer you should be able to open the file with a spread sheet program like Microsoft Excel. You can then add any additional information not included in the data feed. Your Publisher should be able to provide you with specifications of valid codes for additional fields.
Because it is the most common we will use a sample file from Google Base to discuss some of the additional fields not available to the Data Feed in CommerceCM. When you open your Google file you will likely see the following fields that need further data.
Most Publishers require you to resubmit your data feeds on a regular basis. Depending on the amount of customization in the file, the changes in your catalog, and the requirements of the Publisher, you can either: