You access the Referrer Manager using the Marketing Menu in your store.
The Quick Stats on the top left shows you some basic information on your RefID programs.
Referrers: The number of trackable RefID’s you have configured for your site. All RefID’s are active as long as they remain in the system even though they might not receive Clicks on a regular basis. So if you have a RefID in a newsletter from last Christmas and someone opens it up and clicks through, you will be able to see that click and any sales.
Clicks: The number of times people have clicked on your RefID links and come through to your site. These are shown for the calendar Year to Date (YTD) and the current month. A visitor who comes to your site by clicking on a RefID tagged link twice will be recorded as two clicks.
Orders: The number of orders generated by the RefID tracked visitors. Your conversion ratio for these visitors is shown in brackets
Items: Shows the total number of items sold for those orders. Because CommerceCM can handle many currencies, the quick stats report does not show the value of those orders.
On the top right side of the page you can quickly Create a New Referrer.
The Data Controller at the bottom of the screen allows you to generate reports on your Referrer activity. The reports are loaded onto the page bellow the data controller.