Before you begin, it is important that you create your Products and Departments so that they are available for the system. Don't forget that you can create product Cross Sales as part of your product configuration as shown here .
Creating a cross sale in the Cross Sales manager is a simple 3 step process that uses the form in the top right of the Cross Sale manager landing page. This form is also used for editing existing Cross Sales.
Step 1: Select Type
Step 2: Reciprocity
Check the box if you want the Cross Sale to work both ways between your selections. With a Reciprocal Cross Sale, both products act as “From” products.
Step 3: Select Items
The form allows you to select either Products or Departments as appropriate from all Products or Departments that you have loaded in your site.
Departments: These are listed ranked according to the structure you setup and levels are indicated by leading dashes.
Products: You can search for a product name and CommerceCM will provide suggestions from your catalog or you can select the POSID.
If you have a lot of Product Cross Sales to setup at once, consider using the Mass Upload function.
To edit a Cross Sale, click the “edit” link in the Data Table. This will load the Cross Sale Data into the form on the top right of the page and change the label on the form.
The trash can at the far right of the Data Table starts the delete process. You are always presented with a warning.